About the Program
BESTIU offers Part-Time doctoral research program with a strong focus on promoting inter - disciplinary research and innovation leading to the Ph.D. degree. The program aims at developing individuals into distinguished researchers and innovators in various fields under the aegis of the schools of the university. The Part time Ph.D. program is spans 4 years with maximum duration (from the date of reggistration) not exceeding 6 years. If the period exceeds 6 years, re-registration to be done with the permission of Doctoral Comittee
Courses Offered
Physics | Chemistry | Mathematics | Environmental Science and Technology | English | Telugu | Psychology | Food Science and Nutrition | Geography | Sociology | History | Languages | Computer Science | Electronics | Education | Economics & Political Science | Mass Communication and Journalism | Law | Physical Education
IT | ECE | EEE | Mechanical Engineering | Civil | Biotechnology | Agritech
Botany | Zoology | Microbiology | Biochemistry
Commerce | Management HR | Finance | Buisness, Marketing
To create a World Class Social Impact conglomerate where learning is accessible and affordable, innovators are groomed and their ideas are incubated.
Our Mission is to set up a model university which shall be the pride of the state and the country, a hub for highest quality academics and research work. We want our students to compete with the best in the world so that they not only earn their dream jobs but also become job creators. We believe in innovation and developing strategies to address today's challenges and creating champions of change
Eligibility Criteria
Program Structure
To Apply & For More Information, Please Contact
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